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Life is a rope


By Pr Isaiah White

Arope is a group of yarns, plies or strands that are twisted or braided together into a larger and stronger form. In other words a rope is a fabric of combined fibers.

The weaving and knitting of these fibers in a twisted or braided rope serves not only to keep a rope together, but also enables the rope to more evenly distribute tension among the individual strands. Ropes are used for hunting, pulling, fastening, attaching, carrying, lifting and climbing.

They are tools on construction sites, in theatres, in communication areas, in sports, and many more disciplines.

It is important to understand that each and every rope is made and designed purposely for specific missions and goals. Some ropes are long, while others short.

Some are thick and others thin. Some have multiple strands and others have relatively few strands. Each and every rope is designed relatively to its mission in prospect.

Man is like a designed rope in life. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or not, whether you believe in creation or evolution or nothing at all. My intention is to demonstrate to you that you are designed for specific purposes and missions in life. Your life, just like a rope, is made of three strong fiber strands.


These are daily tests which we go through moment by moment. These might range from telling the truth on a phone call, faithfulness with little money, faithfulness in a girl-boyfriend relationship and other relationships.

Our daily small experimental victories will constitute a stronger fiber for our future big victories in big experiments in life like truth in courts of law, faithfulness with the national treasury, and faithfulness in marriage.

What are your daily experiments? How are you fairing? Always remember, private victories precede public victories.


This strand consists of your academic or vocational trainings (education), talents and skills. This is a very important strand for the strength of your life as a rope. All companies employ and promote those with bigger expertise. Always upgrade your expertise.

For one to survive in life you must be a rope with a certain expertise, if not education (academics and vocational training), then you need an outstanding talent like sports (e.g. Cristiano Ronaldo) or entertainment (musicians and movie stars).

If you lack the above, then you need personal giftedness or skill (beauty, speaker, exposure or any wonder). The more the expertise, the stronger the strand becomes. So always learn new things and unlearn old ineffective practices and ways.


This is another fiber strand that compares you to a rope. It is a strand of your personal historical encounters. It is one that consists of your past failures, victories, mistakes, achievements, and the lessons drawn from each and every encounter.

The things we go through in life make us either stronger or weaker depending on how we respond to them.

Experience is a very important strand for any of us, if we are to be stronger ropes in life.

All these three strands must be twisted and braided together in each and every choice, decision and move we are to make in any situation of life.

Look at every situation in life as an experiment (test), apply in full-force your expertise and as you do all that, mind your experience.

Ropes are not made to push items, they are instead made to pull, tie or squeeze them. As a rope, don’t react but act, don’t force but influence, pull, squeeze or tie intelligently to your advantage.

 A human being is a rope, your life is a rope that can be used to collect and put together the things missing out and those needed in your life.

You can be the rope that fastens and holds together your shuttered relationships. You are the rope that should be carrying your family, your company and nation to the next level. You are the responsible rope that should lift the sick, the weak, the addicted, the immoral, and all the underdogs in your community.

We are not called to be ropes of Sheol that entangle life (2Samuel 22:6, Job 36:8, Psalms 18:4); rather, we are invited to be the ropes of Zion that shall never be broken (Isaiah 33:20).

The word of God says: “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! … “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:10- 11 (NIV). The strand of Experiments, Expertise and Experience will hold you through the practice of your faith and lifestyle.


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